
What is psychotherapy?

The conscious and deliberate use of clinical methods and interpersonal procedures, derived from proven statements of psychological sciences, to accompany people with the modification of their behavior, cognitive properties, emotions and / or other characteristics to those that seem desirable to participants in this process.

Psychotherapy like a method

Psychotherapy is a method of treatment that aims to bring relief to people experiencing mental suffering. It is addressed to people who suffer from disorders such as depression, anxiety, personality disorders and many others, as well as to people who experience relationship difficulties, have emotional problems, experience crisis and to people who are interested in personal development and are looking for answers to questions such as “What do I really want in my life?”, “How to achieve it?”

The purpose

Psychotherapeutic work aims to change the way of thinking, dealing with emotions and change behavior to more functional. The main goal of therapy is to improve the quality of life.

What psychotherapy is not?

Psychotherapy is not advising, judging or seeking rights. It is the Patient/ Customer who decides what they would like to work on, what change they expect. The psychotherapist provides tools that allow the patient / client to make changes faster.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
System Therapy
Dialectical-behavioral therapy (DBT)
Mindfulness cognitive therapy – MBCT
Scheme therapy