Adult therapy

„When you experience your own wisdom and strength of things as they are, you gain access to powerful vision and power. It’s like discovering magic.”


• something has happened in your life that you find difficult to cope with
• experiencing difficulties in marriage / family, or suffering from loss of a loved one
• you have problems in relationships with others (inability to resolve conflicts, inability to set boundaries, feelings of loneliness and rejection, isolation, fear of judgment, fear of criticism)
• you are wondering what else you could do, how to improve it, how to try even harder – you’ve tried it so many times

• you think: “If not for … (my shyness, my appearance, my fear, etc.), I would … ”
• you are struggling with your thoughts (you can’t stop worrying or you analyze situations too much)
• you think that others in your place would be happy and you can’t enjoy and are still looking for new ways to feel better for a moment
• you seem to lose control of your own life and wonder if life has any meaning at all

• you feel tired, overwhelmed and burned out or have lost your job
• you were once filled with vigor and commitment, and now you feel as if you are stuck in a place
• you are unable to recognize and / or express emotions (you are very sad, nothing pleases you, you feel irritable)
• you no longer know what’s going on, and personal discomfort becomes unbearable

or you need a specialized diagnosis and individualized treatment:

• anxiety disorders (e.g. social phobia , panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), specific phobias, fear of health)
• depression disorders
• post-traumatic disorders (PTSD) and those related to the stress factor

• obsessive compulsive disorder
• disorders with somatic symptoms (headache, backache, infections)
• eating disorders, sleep disorders,

• disorders related to substances and addictions ((alcohol, drugs, drugs, gambling, excessive use of the Internet, sexuality, shopaholism),
• personality disorders (among others: borderline, anti-social, avoidance, obsessive-compulsive, dependent)
• other mental disorders

or if:

• you want to get to know and understand yourself better
• learn to better express your needs and respond to the needs of others

• you have many ideas, plans, dreams, but it is difficult for you to take the first step
• your mind, which doesn’t like change so much, tries to convince you that it is good how it is, while you feel that you want something more from life

• you would like to finally take care of yourself

The therapy consists of several stages:

1st stage:
II stage:
3rd stage:

Individual psychotherapy is regular meetings that usually takes place once a week and lasts 50 minutes. The first meeting is a consultation during which we decide whether psychotherapy will be the best form of help.
The goal of psychotherapy may be working on one problem (short-term therapy – about 16-20 sessions) or achieving a change in the way of thinking, experiencing emotions and behavior in order to function better and improve the quality of life, as well as personal development (long-term therapy – about a year and longer).

Book your appointment